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Montessori Stock Photos
Montessori supports social-emotional skills. Contemporary research supports the 100-year-old Montessori Method's effectiveness, indicating that children who learn in Montessori classrooms demonstrate stronger social-emotional skills in many areas than children in more traditional environments.
Montessori Stock Photos

Montessori is an environment where children develop fine and gross motor skills, build hand-eye coordination, and strengthen their muscles.

Montessori Stock Photos
Montessori encourages children to play and share experiences alone or together. It provides an environment where children can practice and develop their independence.
Montessori Stock Photos

Beginning at an early age, Montessori nurtures order, concentration, and independence. Intentional classroom design, materials, and daily routines support the student’s emerging “self-regulation” (the ability to educate one’s self, and to think about what one is learning), in toddlers through adolescents.

Fridge Magnets spell Montessori

Upcoming Events

What's Happening at BV

Student Agency in Upper Elementary

Students teaching students is a key component of Montessori education in our multiage classrooms. 

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for hosting the ever popular holiday shop!

The shop empowers students as young as three to pick out presents for their family members from all the generously donated items.

Individualized work in Montessori

Work rugs and small low tables help primary students define their work space and allow them to leave materials out until they are finished. 

Buena Vista's heritage was on Parade!

Lower Elementary students created heritage floats modeled after the origins of the Macy's Day Parade.

Small group lessons in Montessori

Small group and individual lessons are one of the cornerstones of the Montessori philosophy, meeting each student where they are at academically.

Veterans Day Assembly at Buena Vista

Buena Vista hosted Veterans at the annual Veterans Day Assembly.

Ms. Julie helps a male student work on his reading SRA

Click on the picture to learn more about Ms. Julie.

What I do at BV: "Lower El Classroom Assistant"

1. If you did not spend your day at school, what would you be doing? ~ "Working with babies and or animals, travel the world, be creative and work with my hands"

2. Who is the person who encouraged you to pursue your path to education or to Buena Vista? ~ "I have always been a natural born teacher and enjoy working with kids so it was a perfect fit"

3. What part of the school year do you look forward to most? ~ "Every season has it joys!"

4. If you had an unlimited budget, what would your classroom/office/workspace look like? ~ "very bright/shiny organized and fun but peaceful"

5. What is your favorite word? ~ "bamboozled"

Sweet Cozy Library

Hard to believe Ms. Marni was able to fit all her books is our adorable new library space!

Our School












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